Thursday, July 15, 2010

Title Of Post (:

So, I couldnt think of what I wanted to name this post so I just did what the cast of "Title Of Show" did... And now you see how I got my title. Okay. MOVING ON :)

Today was rather interesting in a not so fun way :/ First: I wake up early and cant sleep. Then I get in a HUGE fight with my mom about my schedual (which, by the way, I dont have a zero hour anymore. And depending on how I like my shadowing it will be going back when I turn 18). After that I was outside for a long time and got pink shoulders. On the bright side I learned a lot of rifle work and I am pretty good. Haha! But thats about all that happened today...

Right now I am filling out papers for the Pima County Sheriffs Departmant so I can shadow a Forensic Tech and be out in the field :) SO EXCITED! If this passes I will get to shadow 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Thats when all the murders happen! Maybe I will get to see a dead body! Now, dont get me wrong, I think its horrible that people are being killed, but it is so cool!!!

I am also watching Dr. Dolittle with Eddie Murphy. LOVE <3>

Well... This is really all I have to say... OH! Molly asked me why, in my last post, I put the word "apples" in my title. Well Molly. I have an answer for you :) In guard the other day we were learning a dance routine and the way we moved our hands it looked like we were picking apples. So the whole rest of the routine we revolved it around apples :) Okay! Byee for now!

Xoxo Caitlin Lorraine

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sun. Tan. Apples :)

So today would be the first official day of band camp. It was fun. Woke up late. Did rills out in the hott hott sun. Almost passed out!!!I had never ever felt like that before! It wont happen again... Note: STAY HYDRATED!! After a while we went inside. My friends Krista and Carly and I decided that once a week we will have a work out day at my house! EXCITED!!! Haha! Then I also got my schedule ( Thanks Anne for correcting me :) ) Here it is! SENIOR YEAR HERE I COME!

Zero Hour- Anat/Phys with Parks
Per. 1- TA with Garmon
Per. 2- English with Meeker
Per. 3- Advanced Drama with Garmon
Per. 4- Concert Choir with Yount
Per. 5- American Government with Levinson
Per. 6- Stagecraft with Garmon
AB- SEP with Levinson
:) And hopefully I will be doing Color Guuard as well. Still need to talk to the directors, however.
This year is going to be amazing!!! I can feel it!!

Until next time.
Xoxo Caitlin Lorraine (:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Day In The Life Of...

Saturdays are BARBIZON where we learn model behavior, photo movement, and acting in front of a camera :) I have made friends along the way and I have gotten closer to the friends I already had. This is an amazing experience and I am so thankful to my Papa and Nana who paid for my classes and once I book a job my first paycheck goes to them. They have no idea how much I appreciate them and I wish I could express how much they mean to me more than I already do.

On the Saturdays when I'm not at BARBIZON I am at BUILD DAYS for my drama department at Cienega. This is when all of us Thespians get together and build the sets for our shows. We don't have the budget to buy them and its more fun this way anyhow :) At one particular build day we had to move in this rusty... thing... from outside to inside. it leaked rust water all over the floor and it kinda looked like dried blood so my friends Lydia, Kaeli, Trey and his dad (who I call Daddy and that is how I shall refer to him from now on) thought that it would be fun to take a picture of a "corpse". and I gladly volunteered because that's what us drama kids do! You will never forget the hours you spend at one of these nifty build days. and you wouldn't want to :)

Family is something you cant change. You were born into it and you have to love the people whether you want to or notbecause there is only one of them and you know you would do anything for them.

You can, however, choose your friends. And if i do say so myself... I have chosen some amazing friends! They are there for me and always will be!

M- Everything will be okay in the end. If its not okay it's not the end.

L- I haven't checked my hair in like... FIVE HOURS! (:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 1

So I've decided to write either Saturday night or Sunday and talk about my week. Lets just see if my memory is good enough to remember all the way back :)

MONDAY. Oh goodness. Monday July 5th. Haha! So my mom and her boyfriend decided they wanted to go to the Grand Canyon (It was planned. Not spontaneous). And for some strange reason my mom froze gravy we made a looong time ago and decided to thaw it out and get rid of it when she woke up at 4 in the am. Well my mom wakes up to find the gravy ALL over the kitchen floor!!! So gross. THEN my cats walk in and they are COVERED in it! Oh my goodness! So I wake up at 7 and guess what my mom says to me. Go on. Guess. Okay. I'll just tell you, whoever you are reading this. She says to me, "Caitlin! Guess what your job is today! You get to give the cats a BATH! Yay!" So NOT yay! I go into the bathroom and fill the tub up and then I go for the cat. The first one, Zoe, knew what was coming. She got mad really fast. But she was gross so I had no choice. She screamed and hollered. Pitiful cries of torture. Shes over dramatic. I get her semi clean without getting scratched but then I go for Chloe, my other cat. She dug her claws into my leg and clung there for dear life itself! OW! She really didn't have gravy on her so I just left her. She eventually got it off. Some advice for the future: Don't leave gravy out if you're not willing to sleep with the cats.

I also watch 5 episodes of Bones in a row. Yeah. I have no life :D THEY WERE AWESOME! It just makes me want to pursue my dream career of forensic anthropology even more! (: Then I went to my Nana's for the rest of the week. Now... ON TO TUESDAY!

TUESDAY. Ummm... Not much happened on the 6th. I discovered my friend Daniel was in town. I feel bad I wont be able to hang out with him before he leaves :( I hung out with my little sister Naomi and watched movies with her. These movies were: Hannah Montana the Movie and 17 again. Don't laugh. I like these movies! I also recorded other movies I have yet to watch. Then we went to pick up my other sister Bryana from her friends house. See? Pretty boring day. OH! My friend Eddie called me :) and I kinda went tired crazy on him. Poor guy. Lol! Lets see if Wednesday has anything interesting to offer, shall we?!

WEDNESDAY. On the way to let my dog out in the morning I heard one of my favorite songs. Walk the Line by the Cash! <3>... Interesting indeed. haha! In all honesty this is all that happened on Wednesday. Sad day :/

THURSDAY. Freshman band camp. *shiver* Okay. I guess it's not that bad. I got up early and got to the school at 730 am. Too early in my opinion. I'm sure everyone agrees with me. We learned just the basics and it was rather boring. But I learned something new which was fun :)) Oh. I'm in the color guard by the way. So I was at the school from 730 am to 4 pm. LOONG DAY! By next morning I was so sore!

FRIDAY. My Best Friend Molly and Awesome Guy Friend Aaron. That's all the information I can release at this time. Well... Not really. Brownie Muffins/Mean Kitty/Mr. Safety/Eclipse :) Now that is all.

SATURDAY: Today I woke up and got ready to go to my acting and modeling school Barbizon. I love it there! I know people like Lydia and Lexi. And I've met new people like Lexi (different girls) and Danielle. Today we did some pretty crazy stuff. If you call runway, makeup, more runway, and movie skits crazy :) Haha! My eye makeup though was outlandish :) Now I'm home from my nanas and my mom is returning. Off to babysit in an hour or so. Fun Fun Fun!

Until next time!

Xoxo Caitlin Lorraine (:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Summer Life 2010

Hello. My name is Caitlin Lorraine and this is my first blog.

Oh the summer i have had. Haha! those who I am close to know just how hectic it really was. I say "was" because for me my already non existing summer is pretty my coming to an end. The first couple of weeks were fun.

My friends and I got together to repaint the BlackBox floor. The BlackBox, if you're curious, is Cienega High Schools theater. We use this for shows and we also use the stage in the MPR for musicals.

After that fun filled week I got in trouble. I'm not going to deny I did anything wrong, because I did. I broke a rule and so I took my punishment with no complaints; for the most part anyway. I had to move all the rocks, big and small, out of my backyard. If I do say so myself it looks pretty darn good!

While I did that I also had summer school. Yeah... I kinda failed World History second semester my freshman year. But I had fun and made new friends and chilled with the old. James was probably what kept me sane, well, as sane as i can be, in that class.

Now. Its July 4th and in four days im going to be busy busy busy! I have freshman bandcamp and then i have ACTUAL bandcamp. THEN school starts the next Friday. OI! So much to do! And on top of it all I'm determined to make times for my friends.

My best friend Molly and I are gonna get together and make memories to last a lifetime and I'm sure I will be hanging out with my Mormon friends as well. To Mt. Lemon we go! Haha! Well thats really my summer. Not much to it. So sad. Well... Till next time!

-Caitlin Lorraine (: